Sunday, 29 April 2007

Why are Police so soft on driving offences?

I'm not sure of this - I'm wondering if any of you can help me?

It seems to me that motoring offences like driving without a licence, insurance, MOT and the like are reasonably clear cut and simple to prosecute. So why are people getting away with it so often?

I'm no fan of simplistic rules for how laws should be enforced, as life is bloody complicated, but I would've thought that being caught without any of the above should get a fine and endorsement. Getting caught twice should lead to a ban, and getting caught 3 times should lead to community service.

All drivers caught for other offenses like mobile phone use or speeding should have all of these things checked as a matter of course.

Many criminals use stolen or un-registered cars to carry out their business, and when caught seem not to be prosecuted for anything - often drugs found in cars cannot be linked to the driver or a passenger and so are hard to prosecute for, but the issues with the legality of the car are ignored! These should be simple to fix - any un-registered car found on the road should be impounded.

Insurance seems to be awkward to prove on a day to day basis, so surely we should have to carry proof of insurance with us, which could be easily verified. I know there are issues with the data protection act on this one, but it should not be beyond the imagination of a civilised culture to come up with a simple solution that could easily prove that people are insured.

No insurance - the car should be impounded until insurance is proved.

No license - immediate arrest, car should be impounded.

No MOT - car should be impounded.

With all of these impounds they should have to pay to have the car released - and if the car is not claimed within a certain period it should be sold to pay for the impound costs and to continue and increase the policing.

This is one of my less ranting posts (apologies to those who prefer the rants - I'll do one on how offenders should have to pay EVERY cost of their offence soon!), so I hope the principle may be considered.

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