Monday, 26 May 2008

Driving Instructor Lesson Plans and Diagrams

There's lots of these about, some better than others, some worse than useless.

Be really careful before you spend your precious cash on any of these, because you may well be buying something which hasn't been updated since the 70's, or worse, may actually have incorrect advice - with the possible outcome of you failing a part 3 or check test.

Lesson plans for a controls lesson which omit the cockpit drill, reverse parking methods which seem physically impossible, no mention of ABS on emergency stop lessons - what problems have you found with the books you have shelled out for? Let me know:

If you need some help with lesson plans or diagrams - ask your trainer, or at the very least ask on one of the forums ( or don't take the word of the people flogging this stuff that they're good!

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