There's been a massive increase of instructors deciding to take a fleet diploma, or going through the DSA's 3 exam route to fleet registration, so I thought I'd better ask the question - is there enough work.
The immediate answer is no.
The long term answer is yes.....and some!
At the moment, most people who drive as part of their job are not trained. Those who are are usually trained through one of the big trainers (RoSPA, IAM, Drive&Survive), who pay their trainers between £100-£150 a day.
Recently there have been a whole host of new providers to the market (naming no names, you know who you are) trying to get a slice of the future cake. Speculative market entry I guess. There's probably about 20 relatively serious contenders who have actually started to make an impact on the business and who are picking up work for their main 2 or 3 trainers. These guys will occaisionally need more trainers, so they call on their mates within the business to help out.
Then there's another thousand or so Fleet registered ADIs who have added a bit to their website and are wondering where this famed pot of gold is!
Oh, we've been here before haven't we!?!
The fact is that providing fleet training involves a hell of a lot of work:
- Get the enquiries - either by advertising, doorstepping or cold calling
- Answer the enquiries (not "You've reached Bob the driving instructor, please leave a message and I'll get back to you.")
- Send out proposals and costings which are professional, competetive but not amateurishly cheap and are suitable for the customer
- Liaise with the customer to design the course.
- Provide pre-course materials including profilers and theory tests
- Assess drivers from profiles and info given
- Assess drivers on-road
- Design training courses to fix any problems
- Cost training courses and propose them
- Carry out training courses
- Invoice
- Wait
- Pay instructors out of own pocket
- Wait
- Receive payment
Lots of work innit?!
That's why the training costs £300-£500 a day to the company, but the instructor only gets £120.
For £120 what would you prefer - three double lessons or travelling half-way across the country to meet people you won't get any connection with?
There are other ways around the problem. For example, the ADI federation are proposing a co-op of fleet trainers, but whether this will provide enough work for all of their trainers is a different matter.
You could always use your own contacts to work in your own area.
You could design a specialist course to play to your own strengths.
There really is massive growth potential for Driver Training in the UK and across the world, but as I'm sure regular readers know - it's not going to be money for nothing.